Giving Our All for the Planet

1% Relish

From day one our goal at Relish Branding has been to build a different kind of company – one that grows through positive relationships with our staff, our clients, our community and our planet.

As a Certified B Corporation we adhere to the highest standards of social and environmental performance. For instance, through our Change in the Making community grant program we help not-for-profit organizations make positive impacts on the communities around us. And now, we are proud to announce our biggest partnership yet! Well, biggest from a geographic standpoint at least!

Relish is thrilled to be joining 1% for the Planet, a global network of businesses, individuals and not-for-profit organizations supporting the most important cause of our lifetime – the environment.

Yvon Chouinard, Founder of Patagonia & 1% for the Planet

“There are so many worthwhile organizations that do amazing work in our communities and we’re proud to support them in a variety of ways,” said Relish’s Managing Director, Suzanne Braun. “Our environment, however, is the one cause that unites everyone on a global scale. We believe community support should always be made in addition to environmental commitments, not instead of.”

Only 3% of total philanthropy goes to the environment. 

There are countless environmental pledges businesses can sign up for, but Relish chose 1% for the Planet because this one has teeth! As part of our member pledge, Relish has committed to donating a minimum of 1% of our annual gross revenue to environmental causes. And we’re kept accountable to this commitment through an annual third-party certification of our revenue, and review of our philanthropic, volunteer, and in-kind support for environmental not-for-profit organizations.

Manitoba has a wide range of worthy environmental causes, and Relish has selected three incredible organizations who are working hard for the planet:  Green Action Centre and Zero Waste Canada. These three incredible organizations, whose teams are dedicated to the health of the environment, will be the recipients of our 1% in 2021.  

Green Action Centre

A non-profit, non-governmental organization, serving Manitoba since 1985, promoting greener living through environmental education and encouraging practical green solutions for households, workplaces, schools and community.

Zero Waste Canada  

Zero Waste Canada is a non-profit grassroots organization, dedicated to ending our age of wastefulness through improved industrial design and education for the 21st century.

From supporting the continuous reuse of resources on the front-end, to advocating for the elimination of landfills and incineration on the back-end, Zero Waste Canada’s takes a wholistic approach.

Zero Wast Canada provides education on what “Zero Waste” means, and the logic behind the strategy. Through its certification program, Canadian companies can become Zero Waste Certified according to internationally accepted standards. Any company, public or private, for-profit or not-for-profit can become a member and learn the guidelines, and gain technical knowledge to reduce waste. 

Additionally, Zero Waste Canada advocate at all levels of government for responsible resource management and policies, legislation and initiatives that eliminate waste.

